Succession Planning Services Melbourne

Succession planning services

Our succession planning team are experts at ensuring the seamless transition of your business to the next generation of leadership, so you can step away with the satisfaction of your legacy.

Strengthen your legacy with a tailored succession plan

Secure the future of your business with holistic succession planning

For business owners and their families, succession planning is vital to ensuring the longevity of a business and the future of family wealth. Selecting the right leadership and setting both short-term, long-term, and emergency plans, will protect the interests of your business in every situation while maintaining healthy family dynamics.

Getting it right can be a challenge, and it’s for that reason we offer succession planning services at MGIDC. Succession planning needs careful consideration and the involvement of both family members and key staff so that timings and expectations are understood and formalised.

Succession planning helps business owners prepare for their retirement and protects the financial security of their children and future generations. It also allows for future business sales and exit planning, and for personal estate planning to be looked at holistically. Establishing a succession plan as early as possible supports the long-term decision-making of a business, and helps mitigate any disputes or objections later on.

Assurance Services Development

Meeting Facilitation

Our succession planning services include facilitating family board meetings and retirement planning, mediated by a professional, external advisor to help control emotion during sensitive discussions.
Assurance Services

Insurance Advisory

Everybody is different, and situations change often. We can help you determine the appropriate insurance cover, specific to your individual circumstances, during succession planning.
But don't just take our word for it...
Reviews & feedback

Our Succession Planning Services

'It's accrual world'

Our most common services are listed below, but let us buy you a coffee to discuss your specific requirements.

Assurance Services Specific Issue

Financial statements and tax returns

Many organisations undervalue the importance of accurate and timely financial reporting.  Whilst you might not get as excited by the numbers as we do, we pride ourselves of our preparation; and our ability to keep up to date with the latest legislation changes to ensure the best possible tax position for your structure.

Assurance Services Reports

Management Reporting Packs

If you are a proactive business owner…wouldn’t it be nice to have a good grasp on the financial position of your business, with insights provided to help you make decisions NOW.  Well our Management Report Packs allow just that with a full set of financials completed monthly/quarterly, and a detailed analysis provided.  Take the guess work out of running your business.

Assurance Services Analysis

Every year, many of our clients participate in our tax planning.  Tax planning is the process of preparing your tax position for the end of the financial year before time, so that you can see what tax implications you may be faced with.  The advantage of seeing it before time, means that we can setup structures or plan the best course to ensure you get the most optimised tax position possible.

Risk Management

Structuring and asset protection

The correct structure setup is not only the best way to ensure you have the most optimal tax structure, it is critical for asset protection.  The risks of operating a business are great; so you need to ensure that you are operating in a structure that offers you the greatest protection.  We help by providing advice around the most optimal structure for you.

Assurance Services Rapid Response

The highest performing teams are assembled with mutually reinforcing strengths.  Numbers are our strength…so what better way to ensure that your business is performing optimally than getting one of our team involved on a regular basis.  From Payroll assistance, to cashflow management, our Virtual CFO services will ease your financial management concerns.

Adhoc Assurance Services Checklist

Other compliance

Along with year end compliance, our accounting firm in Melbourne also handles all other regulatory compliance services such as Business Activity Statement preparation, IAS, PAYG summaries, Payroll Tax, Land Tax, R&D concessions and more.

What makes MGI Dobbyn Carafa different?
Big firm capability...small firm relationships

Equipped with a team that has the experience and capabilities of a big firm, but maintaining our deep, personal connection is something we pride ourselves on. Our team are highly supported and we are conscious of wanting to keep our numbers small, but our value high.

Decades of expertise

We have a team of experienced professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds, highly qualified for every business need. Some of the qualifications our team possess include:

Client Net Promoter Score®

We take great pride in our customer service and the deep relationships we have with our clients and we are humbled to learn that our clients feel the same way.

Employee Net Promoter Score®

Much like client NPS®, we take great pride in our employee engagement and the deep relationships we have with our team as we support them on their professional journey.

Meet Our Succession Planning Team

Frequently asked questions

Succession planning in Australia refers to the process of identifying and preparing successors for leadership roles within a business or organisation. It involves developing a strategy to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities when current leaders retire, leave, or are no longer able to fulfil their roles.

Succession planning typically focuses on two main aspects: ownership succession and management succession. Ownership succession involves planning for the transfer of ownership and equity in a business, ensuring a smooth transition of assets and decision-making authority to the next generation or new owners. Management succession, on the other hand, focuses on identifying and developing individuals within the organisation who have the potential to take on leadership positions and ensuring their readiness to assume those roles when needed.

The purpose of succession planning is to mitigate risks associated with key personnel leaving the organisation and to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the business. By identifying and grooming potential successors, businesses can minimise disruptions and maintain continuity in leadership, which is crucial for maintaining stability and achieving future growth.

Successful succession planning involves a range of activities, including assessing the organisation’s future leadership needs, identifying potential successors, providing training and development opportunities to prepare them for leadership roles, and implementing a structured transition plan. It is an ongoing process that requires regular review and adjustments as circumstances change.

It’s worth noting that succession planning is particularly important for family-owned businesses, where the transfer of ownership and leadership can be more complex due to family dynamics and emotional considerations. In such cases, succession planning often involves balancing family and business interests and addressing the unique challenges associated with intergenerational transitions.

Overall, succession planning is a strategic process that enables businesses to ensure a smooth transition of leadership, address future talent needs, and maintain continuity and success over the long term.

Succession planning is important in Australia for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures the continuity of leadership and the smooth transition of responsibilities when current leaders retire, leave, or are no longer able to fulfill their roles. By identifying and developing potential successors, organisations can mitigate the risks associated with key personnel departing, ensuring that critical positions are not left vacant and important institutional knowledge is not lost.

Secondly, succession planning helps businesses address future talent needs. By identifying individuals within the organisation with the potential to assume leadership positions, organisations can proactively develop and groom them for those roles. This helps ensure that the organisation has a pipeline of capable leaders ready to step into key positions when needed.

In addition, succession planning is crucial for family-owned businesses, where the transfer of ownership and leadership can be complex due to family dynamics and emotional considerations. Succession planning allows these businesses to balance family and business interests, address intergenerational transitions, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the business across multiple generations.

Moreover, succession planning is closely linked to business continuity and future success. Effective succession planning allows for a seamless transition of leadership, minimising disruptions and maintaining stability within the organisation. It also enables the new leaders to continue driving the business forward and implementing strategic initiatives, ensuring the organisation’s long-term growth and prosperity.

By implementing succession planning, businesses can build a strong leadership pipeline, retain top talent, and enhance employee engagement and development opportunities. It also provides a sense of security and confidence for stakeholders, such as investors and clients, who rely on the stability and competence of the leadership team.

In conclusion, succession planning in Australia is important because it ensures continuity of leadership, addresses future talent needs, supports family-owned businesses, and contributes to business continuity and success.

Succession planning in family business refers to the process of identifying and preparing successors within a family-owned business to take over leadership and ownership roles when the current generation retires, steps down, or passes away. It involves developing strategies and implementing structured plans to ensure a smooth transition of leadership while maintaining the business’s values, vision, and sustainability.

Family business succession planning in Australia is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps address the unique challenges associated with transferring ownership and leadership within a family context. Family dynamics, emotions, and relationships can significantly impact decision-making and the success of the transition. Succession planning allows families to navigate these complexities, minimise conflicts, and ensure a harmonious transfer of leadership from one generation to the next.

Secondly, succession planning in family business focuses on cultivating and developing the next generation of family members to step into key roles. This involves identifying potential successors, assessing their capabilities, and providing appropriate training and development opportunities. By grooming family members for leadership roles, businesses can ensure the continuity of the family’s legacy and values while maintaining long-term financial success.

Additionally, family business succession planning in Australia often involves integrating non-family members into the succession process. In cases where there might not be suitable family members or to bring fresh perspectives, businesses may consider hiring non-family executives or implementing advisory boards to assist with leadership transitions. This approach can help bring in new skills, expertise, and diverse viewpoints to drive innovation and growth within the family business.

It is essential for family businesses in Australia to engage in early and proactive succession planning to ensure a successful transition and the ongoing prosperity of the business. This includes creating a clear succession plan that outlines the transfer of ownership, leadership responsibilities, and decision-making authority. It also involves open communication among family members and professional advisors to align expectations, address potential conflicts, and establish a robust governance structure.

In conclusion, succession planning in family business within Australia encompasses the process of identifying and preparing successors within a family-owned business. It involves addressing the unique challenges of transferring ownership and leadership within a family context and developing the next generation of leaders. By engaging in proactive and well-structured succession planning, family businesses can ensure a smooth transition and the long-term sustainability of the business.

When identifying key positions for succession planning in Australia, there are several steps you can take:

Assess critical roles: Start by evaluating all the roles within your organisation and identify those that are crucial for the continuity and success of the business. These are typically high-level positions with specialised skills and extensive knowledge.

Consider future needs: Anticipate the skills and competencies that will be required in these key positions in the future. Take into account factors such as technological advancements, industry trends, and evolving customer demands. This will help you align your succession planning efforts with the future needs of the business.

Evaluate potential candidates: Assess the qualifications, experience, and abilities of potential candidates who could step into these key positions. Look for individuals who demonstrate the potential to excel in the role and possess the necessary skills and knowledge. Consider both internal candidates already within the organisation and external candidates who may bring fresh perspectives.

Plan for development: Once you have identified the key positions and potential candidates, develop a plan for their development and readiness. This may involve providing targeted training, mentoring, job rotations, or additional education to groom them for future leadership positions.

Review regularly: Succession planning is an ongoing process, and it is essential to regularly review and update your plan. As business needs and circumstances change, periodically reassess the key positions and ensure that your pool of potential successors is still relevant and aligned with the organisation’s goals.

Ultimately, business analytics serves as a powerful tool to seamlessly integrate financial and non-financial data to be used in board and management reports, shedding light on the various drivers that collectively shape overall business performance. This integration fosters a profound comprehension of the cause-and-effect relationship between operational activities and financial outcomes, empowering organisations to enhance forecasting accuracy, optimise resource allocation, and proactively manage risks. 

Please note that the specific key positions may vary depending on the nature and size of your business. It is recommended to seek guidance from human resources professionals or consultants who specialise in succession planning to tailor the process to your organisation’s needs and circumstances

Succession planning plays a crucial role in ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of businesses in Australia. There are several needs for succession planning in the Australian context:

Smooth leadership transition: Succession planning helps organisations smoothly transition from one leader to another when key positions become vacant, such as when a CEO or senior executive retires or leaves the company. It ensures that there is a well-prepared and capable successor ready to step into the role.

Continuity of operations: Succession planning ensures that there is a continuity of operations and minimal disruption to the organisation’s functioning during leadership transitions. By identifying and grooming potential successors in advance, companies can minimise the risk of a leadership void and maintain stability in their operations.

Talent development and retention: Succession planning provides a platform for talent development and growth opportunities within the organisation. It motivates employees and shows them that there are clear pathways for career progression, which can contribute to higher employee engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.

Mitigating risks: Succession planning helps mitigate risks associated with unexpected departures, such as key employees leaving suddenly or unforeseen circumstances that may result in the absence of crucial skills and knowledge within the organisation. By having a pool of potential successors, businesses are better prepared to handle such risks and maintain business continuity.

Strategic alignment: Succession planning allows organisations to align their leadership pipeline with their strategic goals and future vision. By identifying the key positions that are critical for achieving strategic objectives, companies can develop and nurture talent specifically tailored to those roles, ensuring that the organisation is well-positioned for future success.

In Australia, succession planning typically involves the following five steps:

Identify key positions: Analyse business plans and identify positions that are crucial for the growth and success of the organisation. These positions may include senior leadership roles or positions with specialised skills or knowledge.

Identify potential successors: Determine the key competencies required for the identified positions and assess the potential internal candidates who possess those competencies. High-potential employees who demonstrate the necessary skills, experience, and potential for growth can be considered as potential successors.

Develop potential successors: Once potential successors are identified, companies can focus on their development by providing training, mentorship, and challenging assignments to enhance their skills and prepare them for future leadership roles. This step may involve creating individual development plans tailored to each potential successor’s needs.

Monitor and evaluate progress: Regularly evaluate the progress and performance of potential successors to assess their readiness for assuming leadership roles. This evaluation can be done through performance reviews, feedback sessions, and assessments to ensure that potential successors are on track and developing the required capabilities.

Implement the succession plan: When a key position becomes vacant, the identified successor can be smoothly transitioned into the role. This may involve a structured handover process, mentoring from the outgoing leader, and ongoing support and guidance to ensure a successful transfer of responsibilities.

It’s important to note that each organisation’s succession planning process may vary based on its unique needs and circumstances. These steps provide a general framework to guide the succession planning process in Australia.

Businesses in Australia can identify and develop potential successors by following these steps:

Identify key positions: Determine the leadership roles or specialised positions that are critical for the organisation’s long-term success and sustainability.

Assess potential successors: Identify high-potential employees who possess the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to succeed in these key positions.

Develop potential successors: Provide these employees with regular feedback, challenging assignments, and opportunities for growth and development. This can include executive coaching, mentoring, and leadership training programs.

Create individual development plans: Develop tailored development plans for each potential successor to address any skills gaps and to ensure they are on track to achieve their leadership goals.

Monitor and evaluate progress: Regularly evaluate the progress of potential successors through performance reviews, assessments, and feedback sessions to ensure they are developing the necessary leadership skills.

By following these steps, businesses can create a solid pipeline of potential successors who are ready to step in and fill vital roles when needed. Succession planning is an ongoing process, and it requires continued monitoring and evaluation to ensure that potential successors are on track to achieve their leadership goals.

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