Critical Strategic Planning

As Accountants and Advisors first, we have the toolkit to help businesses set their vision and formulate their strategy to achieve their goals. Our Strategic planning facilitators will help to define the objectives of your business and will work with you to facilitate the steps to get there.

The changemakers for your business - expert business continuity planning consultants

Strategic planning is critical to the success of every business. Ultimately, realising the objectives of a strategic plan sits with the leadership team.

And while leadership has many components, there is no greater responsibility of a leader than to communicate the vision of their business. Simple enough, right?

You’d think so. But if it were that easy, we’d all be doing it. Our strategic planning and facilitation helps to align your team to one clear, shared vision that guides the direction of your business. As Accountants, we know every business is unique, and that’s why we strive to understand yours intimately. When we know where you want to go, we can help you set clear values, mantras and behaviours that are individual to your business targets, and that set the pace towards realising your goals.

Facilitated by a Mindshop accredited expert, we look at how your business is performing today, and how it will look in the future. We engage your teams and stakeholders to find alignment and clarity, challenge assumptions, and address and overcome barriers, to create an adaptable plan with reviewable metrics that spark the wave of change.

business continuity planning consultants
Assurance Services Development

Business Diagnostics and Reporting

Leaning on the NOW analysis, we gain insights into your business to identify its position, challenges, and goals, as only Accountants can.
Assurance Services

Accredited Mindshop Facilitators

Our Strategic Planning Facilitators are Mindshop accredited, and part of a global consulting network, allowing us to lean on a variety of strategic consulting services to benefit your business objectives.

Our Business Continuity Planning Services

'It's accrual world'

Our most common services are listed below, but let us buy you a coffee to discuss your specific requirements.

Assurance Services Specific Issue

Financial statements and tax returns

Many organisations undervalue the importance of accurate and timely financial reporting.  Whilst you might not get as excited by the numbers as we do, we pride ourselves of our preparation; and our ability to keep up to date with the latest legislation changes to ensure the best possible tax position for your structure.

Assurance Services Reports

Management Reporting Packs

If you are a proactive business owner…wouldn’t it be nice to have a good grasp on the financial position of your business, with insights provided to help you make decisions NOW.  Well our Management Report Packs allow just that with a full set of financials completed monthly/quarterly, and a detailed analysis provided.  Take the guess work out of running your business.

Assurance Services Analysis

Taxation Planning

Every year, many of our clients participate in our tax planning.  Tax planning is the process of preparing your tax position for the end of the financial year before time, so that you can see what tax implications you may be faced with.  The advantage of seeing it before time, means that we can setup structures or plan the best course to ensure you get the most optimised tax position possible.

Risk Management

Structuring and asset protection

The correct structure setup is not only the best way to ensure you have the most optimal tax structure, it is critical for asset protection.  The risks of operating a business are great; so you need to ensure that you are operating in a structure that offers you the greatest protection.  We help by providing advice around the most optimal structure for you.

Assurance Services Rapid Response

Virtual CFO

The highest performing teams are assembled with mutually reinforcing strengths.  Numbers are our strength…so what better way to ensure that your business is performing optimally than getting one of our team involved on a regular basis.  From Payroll assistance, to cashflow management, our Virtual CFO services will ease your financial management concerns.

Adhoc Assurance Services Checklist

Other compliance

Along with year end compliance, our accounting firm in Melbourne also handles all other regulatory compliance services such as Business Activity Statement preparation, IAS, PAYG summaries, Payroll Tax, Land Tax, R&D concessions and more.

Meet Our Strategic Business Continuity Planning Team

Frequently asked questions about business continuity planning

Strategic planning in business refers to the process of setting goals and creating a roadmap for achieving long-term success1. It involves analysing and understanding the current state of the business, evaluating market trends and competitive dynamics, and making informed decisions about the allocation of resources and the direction of the company.

A strategic plan provides a framework for decision-making, guiding daily, weekly, monthly, and annual actions1. It serves as a reference point or “true north” for the business, ensuring that all activities and initiatives are aligned with the overall vision and mission.

The process of strategic planning typically includes the following steps:

Analysis and assessment: This involves evaluating the internal strengths and weaknesses of the business as well as external opportunities and threats. Various tools like SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) may be used to gain insights into the current state of the business and the external environment.

Goal setting: Based on the analysis, strategic goals and objectives are defined. These goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals), and they provide a clear direction for the business.

Strategy development: Strategies are developed to achieve the defined goals. These strategies may involve market expansion, product development, operational improvements, cost optimisation, or any other initiatives that align with the business’s goals and competitive landscape.

Implementation and execution: Once the strategies are developed, they are implemented through action plans, resource allocation, and project management. Regular monitoring and review ensure that the plan is executed effectively and any necessary adjustments are made.

Evaluation and measurement: Ongoing evaluation and measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential to assess progress towards the goals and make informed decisions. This allows businesses to stay agile and adapt their strategies as needed.

Strategic planning in business helps organisations define their vision, create a roadmap for success, and ensure that all activities are focused on achieving the desired outcomes.

Business strategic planning in Australia refers to the process of formulating and implementing a long-term plan to achieve the goals and objectives of a business1. It involves analysing the internal and external factors that can impact the business, identifying opportunities and challenges, and developing strategies to capitalise on opportunities and overcome challenges.

The key components of business strategic planning in Australia include:

Vision and Mission: An effective strategic plan starts with a clear vision and mission statement that outlines the purpose and direction of the business. The vision statement defines the desired future state of the business, while the mission statement describes what the business does and who it serves.

Situation Analysis: This involves conducting a thorough analysis of the internal and external environment of the business. It includes assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) to understand the current position of the business and identify areas for improvement and growth.

Goal Setting: Based on the situation analysis, strategic goals and objectives are defined. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). They provide a clear focus for the business and serve as a benchmark for measuring progress.

Strategy Formulation: The strategy formulation phase involves developing actionable strategies that align with the goals and objectives of the business. This may include market expansion, product development, entering new markets, strategic partnerships, or operational improvements.

Implementation: Once the strategies are defined, they need to be implemented effectively. This involves allocating resources, assigning responsibilities, and developing an action plan. Regular monitoring and review are essential to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Evaluation and Review: Regular evaluation and review of the strategic plan are vital to ensure its effectiveness. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are established to measure progress against the goals and objectives. Feedback and insights from stakeholders are also important to make any necessary revisions or refinements to the strategic plan.

Business strategic planning in Australia helps businesses align their activities and resources to achieve their long-term goals in a dynamic and competitive environment1. It provides a roadmap for decision-making, helps the business anticipate and respond to changes in the market, and improves overall organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

Strategic planning is a key driver of business plan development in Australia and has a significant impact on the process and outcomes. Strategic planning provides a framework for assessing business viability, identifying opportunities, and setting a clear direction for growth and success. By aligning the business plan with the strategic plan, business owners can ensure that they are focusing on the right priorities, allocating resources effectively, and sustaining long-term growth.

The impact of strategic planning on business plan development in Australia includes:

Vision and Direction: Strategic planning establishes a clear vision and direction for the business, which provides a foundation for developing the business plan. The business plan should align with the strategic plan to ensure that it supports the vision and direction of the business.

Market Analysis: Strategic planning involves analysing the market to identify opportunities and threats. This analysis should inform the development of the business plan to ensure that it is applicable to the current market conditions.

Resource Allocation: Strategic planning helps identify the resources needed to achieve the goals and objectives of the business. By aligning the business plan with the strategic plan, business owners can ensure that they are allocating resources effectively for the long-term growth of the business.

Risk Management: Strategic planning helps identify potential risks and uncertainties, and determine strategies to manage them. By incorporating risk management strategies into the business plan, business owners can mitigate potential risks and minimise their impact on the business.

Performance Measurement: Strategic planning establishes a set of goals and objectives that serve as a benchmark for measuring business performance. This provides a foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of the business plan and making necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome.

In conclusion, strategic planning has a significant impact on business plan development in Australia. By aligning the business plan with the strategic plan, business owners can ensure that they are focusing on the right priorities, allocating resources effectively, and sustaining long-term growth of the business.

A business continuity professional in Australia is responsible for helping organisations develop and implement plans to ensure the continuity of important business functions in the event of disruptions. Their role is to assess potential risks such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, pandemics, and other unexpected events and develop strategies to mitigate those risks and ensure business continuity.

Some of the key responsibilities of a business continuity professional in Australia may include:

Business Continuity Planning: They develop and implement comprehensive business continuity plans that outline procedures and protocols to be followed in the event of disruptions. This includes conducting risk assessments, identifying critical business functions, and developing strategies to maintain operations and minimise downtime.

Risk Assessment: They assess potential risks and vulnerabilities to the organisation and evaluate the impact these risks can have on business operations. This helps in developing proactive strategies to prevent or mitigate disruptions.

Crisis Management: In the event of a disruption, business continuity professionals play a key role in coordinating the response and managing the crisis. They ensure that crisis management procedures are followed, communication channels are established, and necessary actions are taken to minimise the impact and facilitate a smooth recovery.

Training and Education: They provide training and awareness programs to employees to ensure they are familiar with the business continuity plans and understand their roles and responsibilities in the event of a disruption. This helps in building a culture of preparedness and resilience within the organisation.

Testing and Maintenance: They oversee the testing and maintenance of business continuity plans to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. This includes conducting regular drills and exercises, reviewing and updating plans as needed, and incorporating lessons learned from past incidents.

Overall, a business continuity professional plays a crucial role in helping organisations prepare for and respond to disruptions, ensuring the continuity of critical business functions and minimising the impact on operations.

In Australia, the five stages of strategic planning are as follows:

Analysis of Internal Environment: In this stage, an organisation analyses its internal environment, which includes assessing its strengths, weaknesses, resources, and capabilities. This helps the organisation identify areas where it has a competitive advantage and areas where it needs improvement.

Analysis of External Environment: An organisation also analyses its external environment, which includes assessing market conditions, competition, regulatory environment, and other external factors that can impact the business. This helps the organisation identify market opportunities and potential threats.

Setting Strategic Objectives: Based on the analysis of the internal and external environment, an organisation sets its strategic objectives. This involves defining the goals and targets that the organisation wants to achieve in the short and long term.

Developing Strategies: Once the strategic objectives are defined, an organisation develops strategies to achieve them. This involves identifying a range of options and selecting the most appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives.

Implementation and Review: The final stage involves implementing the strategies and monitoring their effectiveness. This involves setting up systems to measure progress against objectives, regularly reviewing the performance, and making adjustments as needed.

Overall, these five stages allow organisations to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that aligns with their objectives and helps them achieve success.

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