Strategic Business Consulting Services

Setting your strategy

Most businesses who don’t achieve their goals, don’t have a documented strategic plan for their business and where they do have a plan, accountability to deliver on the plan is not in place. That is why our team are serious when it comes to developing and implementing strategy.

Take your business to new heights with strategic consulting

Business strategy starts with planning. But where do you begin? Our advisors are equipped with the tools and experience to set out the best laid plans.

Regular strategic planning sessions provide a focus and set direction for all businesses. We adopt the Now, Where, How mindset for strategic planning, and trap the strategy in our one-page strategic plan template.  This provides you with a focused approach to implement.

We have invested in our team and have accredited Mindshop® facilitators and strategic consultants in our business to help yours. Our alliance with Mindshop®, a global consulting network, allows us to offer our clients a wide range of strategic consulting services.

Our experience with lean management, process improvement, and IT systems allows us to help our clients action many business improvement areas for their business.  We can help faciltate strategic workshops and also help you determine the appropriate key performance indicators.

strategic business consulting

Why MGIDC are your virtual CFO of choice

Assurance Services Development

Accredited strategic consultants on hand

Our Strategic Consultants are accredited Mindshop facilitators and have helped numerous businesses of varying size and scope with all of their strategic needs.  

Meaningful KPI’s

What’s the point of a good strategy if you don’t know what you are aiming for?  We assist by helping provide meaningful KPI’s for your business that empower your teams’ success.

Our Strategic Consulting Services

'Good strategy pays dividends'

Our most common services are listed below, but let us buy you a coffee to discuss your specific requirements.

Assurance Services Specific Issue

Business process reviews

Operations is at the heart of strategy.  If you can’t implement your strategy through good operations, you cannot succeed.  As part of our Strategic process, we assess the NOW and have a look at your business processes for efficiency.  We can then tailor the strategy to ensure the operations can deliver on the goals.

Assurance Services Reports

Strategic Planning workshops

Unsure on where to start with strategy?  Most business owners do…that’s why we partner with you through the entire process.  And the first step is our strategic planning workshops where we facilitate an intensive program designed to extract what you are looking to acheive from your business operations.  This is the basis that your Strategic Plan is developed.

Assurance Services Analysis

Waste audits

Waste audits refer to business wastage.  Business wastage can happen in many forms including financial mismanagement, but most commonly, from operational leakage.  Our team have worked with businesses from a variety of contexts and are able to accurately measure all forms of business wastage in order to highlight areas for improvement.

Understanding the importance of strategy?

Let us buy you a coffee to discuss your requirements.

Meet Our Strategic Consulting Team

Ready to let go and focus on your business?

Let us buy you a coffee to discuss your requirements. Get in touch with us today to arrange a free consultation.