Not for Profit Audit

Your trusted Not For Profit Auditor

A not-for-profit audit provides donors, the Board, and other stakeholders with confidence that funds are used effectively and that financial practices meet the highest standards of accountability, thereby enhancing trust and supporting your organisation’s mission.

Safeguarding Your Organisational objectives with Transparent and Trustworthy Audits

Not-for-profit audit is an essential part of our audit services. By providing audit services to not-for-profit organisations, we show our care to our communities and charities.

Our not-for-profit audit services are designed to provide a thorough and independent examination of your organisation’s financial statements and operational practices. We ensure that your financial reporting meets Australian regulatory standards and accurately reflects the true use of funds. By focusing on the specific needs of not-for-profit organisations, we help you maintain transparency and demonstrate accountability to donors, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.

Engaging in our not-for-profit audit services offers significant benefits, including enhanced trust and confidence from your supporters and stakeholders. Our detailed audit reports not only verify compliance but also highlight areas for improvement in financial management and governance practices. This process supports your mission by ensuring effective use of resources, bolstering organisational integrity, and reinforcing the credibility of your financial practices.

Build Donor Trust and Confidence

Our not-for-profit audit services ensure that your financial statements are transparent and compliant with regulatory standards, which significantly boosts donor trust and confidence.

By providing a clear and independent assessment of how funds are managed, we help you demonstrate accountability and maintain strong relationships with supporters and stakeholders.

Strengthen Governance and Financial Management

We offer detailed insights into your financial practices and governance, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring effective resource utilisation. Our audit not only verifies compliance but also enhances your organisational governance, supporting better financial management and operational efficiency for long-term success.

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Our Not-for-Profit Audit Services

Build trust with your donors.

MGI uses several benchmarking reports during our audits, including current donation trends, fundraising statistics, and grants. We would be happy to share this information with our clients to assist you in making informed decisions.

Improved Financial Transparency and Trust

Our not-for-profit audit services offer a thorough and independent review of your financial statements, enhancing transparency and accountability. This clear, objective assessment fosters greater trust with donors and stakeholders by ensuring that your financial management practices are reliable and fully compliant with regulatory standards.

Expertise in Not-for-Profit Compliance

We specialise in the unique regulatory and compliance needs of not-for-profit organisations. Our team’s deep knowledge of sector-specific standards and regulations ensures that your financial practices meet all legal requirements, helping you avoid compliance issues and potential penalties.

Detailed Financial Insights

Our audits deliver comprehensive insights into your financial operations, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. These detailed reports help you understand your financial health better, optimise resource allocation, and enhance overall financial management practices.

Strengthened Organisational Governance

By examining your internal controls and governance structures, we provide recommendations to strengthen your organisation’s oversight and decision-making processes. This proactive approach enhances your governance framework and supports effective leadership and management.

A thorough and independent audit reassures donors and stakeholders of the integrity and effectiveness of your financial operations. Our transparent reporting builds confidence in your organisation’s financial stewardship, which can lead to increased support and contributions.

Efficient Audit Process with Industry Expertise

Leveraging advanced audit techniques and technology, we ensure an efficient and thorough audit process. Our team’s extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector allows us to provide timely and accurate audits, minimising disruption while delivering valuable insights.

What makes MGI Dobbyn Carafa different?
Big firm capability...small firm relationships

Equipped with a team that has the experience and capabilities of a big firm, but maintaining our deep, personal connection is something we pride ourselves on. Our team are highly supported and we are conscious of wanting to keep our numbers small, but our value high.

Decades of expertise

We have a team of experienced professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds, highly qualified for every business need. Some of the qualifications our team possess include:

Client Net Promoter Score®

We take great pride in our customer service and the deep relationships we have with our clients and we are humbled to learn that our clients feel the same way.

Employee Net Promoter Score®

Much like client NPS®, we take great pride in our employee engagement and the deep relationships we have with our team as we support them on their professional journey.

Meet Our Not for Profit Auditors

Frequently asked questions about Tax and Accounting

An audit is crucial for not-for-profit organisations as it ensures that financial statements are accurate and comply with regulatory standards. It helps build trust with donors and stakeholders by demonstrating transparency and accountability in how funds are managed and allocated.

A not-for-profit audit involves a comprehensive review of your organisation’s financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with relevant regulations. This includes examining financial records, verifying transactions, assessing internal processes, and providing a detailed report with findings and recommendations.

The frequency of audits depends on regulatory requirements, donor expectations, and organisational needs. Typically, not-for-profit organisations undergo annual audits, but some may be required to audit more frequently based on their size, funding, or specific regulatory obligations.

An independent auditor provides an unbiased assessment of your financial statements and operations. This independence enhances the credibility of the audit results, improves donor confidence, and ensures that financial practices are thoroughly reviewed without internal bias or conflicts of interest.

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